We understand the skip game is a hard one on machinery we will always work with customers with repair work to keep you on the road at all cost
if you have a problem with your euipment you can rest assure that we have every spare part for every truck on the shelf at all times.
Our warrenty is made for real world people if you have a problem even down to driver error we will always help our customers and get you back on the job
Plant, Equipment and Warranty
As standard out body’s come with a 6 month warranty on the body and 6 months on the pto that is held with the pto supplier.
The warranty is return to base this means the vehicle will need to be returned to us for work on either the pto or the body.
Owners often feel they need more protection because of severe conditions on the job, or to minimise unpredictable repair costs.
We understand customers want to lift as much as possible with our body’s and be worked hard every day.
To meet these demands our Warranty for Equipment covering power train, hydraulic and manufacturing.
This warranty is available case by case basis for their end users from 6 moths up to 5 years.
Standard 6 month warrent covers
The warranty will cover our bodies within normal use.
Because we want you to be absolutely comfortable with the warranty and transparency we are happy to discuss any extended warranty’s and options you may require.